This is not only our slogan, but a fundamental business principle by which we operate in everything we do. Erudite is committed to developing a caring, preventative safety culture across our organisation and on all projects where we are active. Safety consciousness drives the action of every employee at every location, every day.


Our people deserve it, our clients rely on it and our performance depends on it.



·        Erudite follows the general direction of ISO 45001:2018 by encouraging “risk-based thinking”: a more proactive, flexible, and preventative approach based on solving risks before they materialise.

·        Erudite management is taking a stronger top-down leadership role, driving performance improvements into action, and taking responsibility for the protection of our employees and interested parties.

·        Health and Safety is part of our business, all workers are aware of the objectives and advantages of a safe and efficient workplace and empowered to contribute to it.

·        Erudite policies are based on the legal requirements, and they require that management provide employees with a safe working environment.

Trust and respect permeate our organisation with a focus on teamwork and collaboration

This goes beyond just training our staff on health and safety procedures and expecting them to stick to them.

Erudite is committed to constantly analyse safety performance through fact-based data, to address root causes and system weaknesses as soon as they are identified, and to experiment with changes that will lead to long-term systems improvement.

Our Health and Safety Management System is designed to be flexible enough to map onto your specific company needs.